Open Innovation Lab for Common Good AI Applications

The aim of this project is to provide a software suite consisting of frameworks and tools for the development of common good AI applications and an open innovation lab for the realization of public good AI applications.


The successful development of public-good AI application requires a wide spectrum of both technological and social competences. Too often, great ideas go unnoticed due to a lack of just some of those competences.

The central goal of project Go-KI (Offenen Innovationslabors KI zur Förderung gemeinwohlorientierter KI-Anwendungen) is connecting actors of different disciplines who are engaged in the development of public good AI applications and to provide them with the competences, technologies, and spaces they need to implement them in a responsible, transparent, and inclusive way.

Further, for both the project and its realization environment ZEKI (Zentrum für erlebbare Künstliche Intelligenz und Digitalisierung) it is embedded in aim to provide a platform for experiencing, understanding, and learning about AI technologies, in order to being able to make truly informed decisions about this emerging key technology.


The goal of the project is to provide a software suite, consisting of frameworks and tools for the development of common good AI applications, and an open innovation laboratory and ecosystem for realizing those applications. The target audience encompasses everyone from small start-ups or big industry players, to research institutes and municipal organizations, or any interested citizens.

Besides the technical side, the project also aims at hosting different formats of workshops, seminars, educational offers and public showcases for discussing and developing new AI project ideas and for making AI and its applications explainable and tangible.


From 01.10.2022 to 31.12.2024


artificial intelligence, public-good AI, innovation, workshop, AI applications


Dr. Tobias Küster
E-MAIL tobias.kuester@gt-arc.com

Dr. Fikret Sivrikaya
E-MAIL fikret.sivrikaya@gt-arc.com

